Well its been a busy last couple of weeks in the sand...from lessons to practice to some corporate pieces. We have been busy with a little bit of everything. Its been raining here for last couple of days so it makes it fough to play in the sand....outside. So we have been inside working on a castle that stands about6' tall in the lobby of a large condo building in Destin. The photos are not uploaded below but hopefully when we finish, a time-lapse video of the creation, collapse, and rebuild will be posted!! And of course, yes, i have been following the Hawks religiously!! Ready for game 7!! Lets clinch it at home Hawks!! Enjoy the pics and as always, I'd love to hear from you...so leave a comment! Till next time... Hey there!! We entered the amateur sand sculpting contact at the Fiesta of Five Flags in Pensacola. We sculpted a giant quid overtaking a shipwreck with the tittle WREK'D. After hauling a bunch of water from the gulf and an hour or so of packing it down we started carving. We worked as a team of three, me and two other sand sculpting coaches. I sculpted the letters, rocks, and the shipwreck while one sculpted the squid and the other sprayed lots of water and helped with some finishing touchesIt took a little getting used to three people all carving on the same pile but we figured it out. We carved for about 3 hrs before time was up and the judging started. For the adult category, we placed 2nd. So Beach Sand Sculptures was proud to take home some of the prize. We took home a cash prize, a little bit of confidence, and lots to keep working on. I was a little bummed, hoping for 1st......I know...i set the bar a little high with my expectations and competitiveness but we were happy with the way it came out and have some adjustments for the design and our next carve. I posted some pictures of ours and then the sculpture that took first and won peoples choice award....you can be the judge. :) I'm excited to have some visitors for next week or so and teach them how to carve!! And of course, watch the Blackhawks with, since hawks fans are few and far between down here!! Till next time...
Its been a couple days of practice and trying new things. We had the day off Sunday so I took some time to explore the surrounding area and found a local disc golf course and shot a round of 18. Monday was a very busy day with a lesson for a group of 5 in the morning and then a marriage proposal all afternoon and into the evening. We all worked together to assist the boss during the marriage proposal. I am getting ready for the Fiesta of Five Flags and sculpting competition in Pensacola this coming Sunday. I am entering the amateur doubles division with another coach from BeacSandSculptures. We tried our first idea with some challenging moments and some successes. We stepped away and figured out things that worked and things we would like to change. After sculpting all day.....I am sore. Hauling close to 200 gallons of water and shoveling and pounding up a couple tons of sand; then sculpting for 6 hrs....leaves you a little sore and sun burned. But it is always a great day on the beach!! Hawks score.....let's wrap this series up Chicago!! Till next time....
So today we opened up our second permanent location and went through a little mock run before all the lessons start. Things went smooth and I am getting our 'lesson castle ' down! But of course when the business side is done we get to play and experiment with the sand.....and work on our tans! ;) I wanted to build a huge arch....so i did. We usually build them over a closed fist or a small pail but i chose to build it over a 5 gallon bucket!! Let me know what you think! Then later on this evening the darkness pushed me off the beach and we sculpted till we couldn't see the sand anymore!I tried something a little different with some new fun tools I got!! As for now, I need to go get all the sand out of my eyes and ears and hair because it was a windy day today!! till next time It was another beautiful day on the beach today! Had my first 'real' lesson in sand sculpting. It went well and of course I had to deviate from the template design just a little adding some of my own flare. Then I stuck around after my lesson and worked with another sculptor from BeachSandSculptures (BSS) and we pounded up a big pile, filled some forms, hand stacked a bunch and came out with a small tribute to my Titan Family! I sculpted the right tower and the rocks and the TP while...he sculpted the left tower and did some tiki heads. Be sure to check out the florida style 'snowball'....yaaa thats right we can make sand balls! Hope you guys like it...they are only going to get better and if you have any ideas of things to sculpt...give me a shout out!! ooo and be sure to look inTill next time...
ooo and ps.....GO HAWKS!! Hi everyone! I want to start off by thanking everyone for all the support! It has made the transition the best that it could be. I am new to this blogging thing but keep following and we see how it goes.
It has been a bitter-sweet new opportunity. It was hard to leave family and friends but the new journey is off to a great start! The road trip down was a trip! A tank or so of gas more than expected because that little GTI of mine was packed. My buddy and I made it to Nashville by Friday night and got to see what the country capital had to offer. All I;m saying is that I will be back to Nashville!! Then Saturday lead us down 65 to Panama City Beach, but not before we had to venture through the stix....southern Alabama home of the Crimson Tide. After an airport drop off I made it to Destin!. The weather is unbelievable. Its sunny and in the 70s so far and we even hit mid 80s today without a cloud in the sky. My new office is pretty amazing...the beach, ocean, and the sun! WOW! I am all moved into my new place and actually wasn't on the beach for more than 30 minutes before I had my hands in the sand sculpting. The first piece was a marriage proposal....and yes, she did say Yes! I sculpted most of the boulders while the others sculptors were working on the rest. Today, we were working on getting all of our sites setup for the beginning of the busy season starts, full of teaching sand castle building lessons and corporate sculptures. I got to finish my day on the beach with a sunset and a sand castle.....attempt....I had most of it done until it all crumbled down to a pile. lol. Still got a long way to go....lots to learn! But, I am pumped about getting back on to the beach tomorrow for some more. As always stay posted by checking back on the blog or the CF Designs Inc. Facebook page. Like, share, and comment lots!! I'd love to hear from everybody! Till next time.... |